A Note From The Editor

So here I am, left with an empty quarter page to fill. Darn me, I've tried all the tricks in the book, but this time there's no way to prevent the text from spilling over on this side, and yet no way to fill it without stretching the other pages unnaturally. I've tried it, though — if you're a fellow TEXnician you can tell that from my gratitious use of \pagebreak.

Anyways, I'll use these last lines to tell you about a forthcoming project: An illustrated LATEX'ed manual for this truly outstanding game. Graphics will be included by ways of AmigaTEX's \eps macro, and the distribution will also contain PostScript output for the manual, which can then be printed using Adrian Aylward's PostScript Interpreter. If you don't already use Post, go and get it — it's great!

Thomas Bätzler
1.51 am
December 13th 1992